'48 (novel) - définition. Qu'est-ce que '48 (novel)
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est '48 (novel) - définition

48 (1996 Novel)

'48 (novel)         
48 is a 1996 alternative history novel by British horror author James Herbert. The book follows an American pilot stranded in a dystopian London after Adolf Hitler, moments before being completely defeated, uses a biological weapon delivered by V-2 missiles, which mostly wipes out the human race.
Martin XB-48         
  • 3-view line drawing of the Martin XB-48
  • Martin XB-48 prototype taxiing, showing spaces between engines for cooling, tandem main gear, and nacelle outriggers
XB-48; Martin B-48
The Martin XB-48 was an American medium jet bomber developed in the mid-1940s. It competed with the Boeing B-47 Stratojet, which proved to be a superior design, and was largely considered as a backup plan in case the B-47 ran into development problems.
1947–48 Isthmian League         
1947-48 Isthmian League
The 1947–48 season was the 33rd in the history of the Isthmian League, an English football competition.


'48 (novel)

'48 is a 1996 alternative history novel by British horror author James Herbert. The book follows an American pilot stranded in a dystopian London after Adolf Hitler, moments before being completely defeated, uses a biological weapon delivered by V-2 missiles, which mostly wipes out the human race.